UltrahostGhana takes abuse and compliance complaints very seriously. Depending on the type, select the appropriate complaint form to submit a Terms of Service violation report. We will investigate and record all complaints submitted to us and if we confirm a violation of our Terms of Use or if an activity violates ICANN or the relevant registry's policies, as appropriate We will take appropriate action.

We may request additional information from you. Please note, however, that due to privacy concerns, we may not be able to provide certain updates in response to certain reports. As part of our investigation, we may also need to confirm your complaint with our customer.

If you are an anti-spam/vigilance organization and need to submit multiple cases, please do so using a spreadsheet and attach them when completing the required forms.

Each submission using below form will create a ticket at our end. Our Monitoring team tracks each and every tickets and make sure they are attended and responded in timely manner.

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.